The Life of our Prophet Now

As Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya said in Kitab al-Ruh, while paraphrasing al-Qurtubi: “It has been authentically narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him) that the earth does not eat the bodies …

Source: The Life of our Prophet Now


A Poem by Shaykh Ibn Hajar al-Haytami (d. 974 AH/1566 CE)

On the Life of the Prophet Muhammad (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) in the Barzakh World

The proofs and texts are very many,
to the extent that the author can not count what he says;
That the Chosen One is alive and tender,
Like a crescent moon that never wanes

And that the Hashemite’s every beauty,
does not change in the grave;
And that worms do not come near him,
Nor anything that is disliked.

And the earth has not eaten his flesh,
nor bones, and this is established;
And angels come to him at every time,
to greet him and listen to what he says.

He prays the five prayers in his grave,
without stopping, without boredom;
He performs the ablutions with water,
of the unseen, as the evidence tells us.

And fasting every year and pilgrimage,
are not impossible for him;
And our actions are presented daily,
to him to bring him joy.

And if (our actions) are good he prays,
to the Lord to accept them;
And if otherwise then he will pray,
that He -most great- forgives them and He will.

And that land that holds him truly,
is a piece of Paradise;
And the grave that holds his body,
was honoured when the guest came into it.

And it is better than the heavens and earth,
and the angels that roam the skies;
And (better than) the Throne and the Gardens of Eden,

the Paradise that holds endless good.

And he greets those who come to visit,
and sees them all no matter how crowded it becomes;
And hears them all with his ears
if they send blessings upon him, so travel to him!

And he who doesn’t believe this about Taha,

with certainty, is an ignorant heretic;

This Haytami servant seeks refuge with the one,

at whose doorstep the caravans unload their haul.

Allah bless him in every moment,
as long as people travel to him;
And bless his family and his companions,

as they approach in streams from every land!


Note: This is not the entire poem.


تواترت الأدلة والنقول
فما يحصي المصنف ما يقول
بأن المصطفى حي طري
هلال ليس يطرقه أفول

وأن الهاشمي بكل وصف
جميل لا يغيره الحلول
وأن الدود لا يأتي إليه
كذا الآفات ليس لها وصول

ولم تأكل له الغبراء لحما
ولا عظما وأثبت ما أقول
وتأتيه الملائك كل وقت
تحييه وتسمع ما يقول

يصلي في الضريح صلاة خمس
دواما لا يمل ولا يميل
ويطهر للصلاة بماء غيب

ويقضيها بذا ورد الدليل

وصوم ثم حج كل عام
يجوز عليه بل لا يستحيل
كذا الأعمال تعرض كل يوم
عليه كي يسر بها الرسول

فإن كانت صلاحا قام يدعو
إلى المولى ليقبل ما يقول
وإلا غير ذلك فهو يدعو

ليغفرها وقد صفح الجليل

وبقعته اللتي ضمته حقا
رياض من جنان تستطيل
كذا اللحد الذي ضم الطوايا
تشرف حين حل به النزيل

وأفضل من سماوات وأرض
وأملاك بأفلاك تجول
ومن عرش ومن جنات عدن
وفردوس بها خير جزيل

ويلقاهم إذا وفدوا عليه
وينظرهم إذا ازدحم القفول
ويسمعهم إذا صلوا عليه
بأذنيه فقصر يا ملول

ومن لم يعتقد هذا بطه
يقينا قهو زنديق جهول
عبيد هيتمي مستجير
بمن حطت بساحته الحمول

عليه الله صلى كل حين
مدى الأيام ما شدت حمول
وآل ثم صحب ما تدانى
من الأقطار سيل إذ يسيل

​Durood words added by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam 

​Durood words added by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam 

When Moulana Ashraf Suleimani RA was in Madina Munawwara he recited the following durood and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam added to it the last line ‘innaka Hameedun Majeed’‎

الهم صَل على سيدنا محمدن النبي الامي و على اله و صحبه و بَارِك و سلِّم (انك حميدم مجيد)‎
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhammadinin Nabiyyil ummiy wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa baarik wa sallim (innaka Hameedun Majeed)‎

O Allah send special  salat on our Master Muhammad the unlettered Nabi and his family and companions and blessing and peace, (surely You are  Praiseworthy, Glorious)‎

The line in brackets was added by The  Rasoolullah صَل الله عليه و سلم himself ‎

The Shaykh was one of the most senior Shaykhs of Tabligh and a murid of Moulana Sulayman Nadwi who was a khalifa of Hazrat Thanvi RA